Download the Arryved App • Remain in Your Seat • Wear A Mask • Be Respectful • Enjoy!
Monday • CLOSED
Tues – Thurs • 3-8PM
Fri – Sat • 12-8PM
Sunday • 12-7PM
3-8 PM
12-8 PM
12-7 PM
We are so pleased to be able to have our patio open for you all to enjoy (for the first time ever)! We do, however, have a few protocols we’d like to ask you to review in order for us to keep you, those around you, and our staff as safe & healthy as possible:
We are implementing table-side service! We ask that you remain in your seat at all times unless using the restroom or disposing of trash. If you need anything, please flag down one of our staff and let them come to you.
Download the Arryved app for easy touchless transactions! This app will allow you to safely + securely input your credit card information into our system and- once within range of our building- start your own tab! Once seated, inform your server of the name on your tab and from there you can place your orders with our staff and they’ll bring it right to you! When you are ready to close out, you may do so on your own device, or our staff will do it for you. Any tabs left open after closing will be closed out and have a 20% gratuity added. ADDITIONALLY, WE DO HAVE APPLE PAY OR GOOGLE PAY OPTIONS!
Wearing a mask is REQUIRED at all times, except when drinking/eating. If you get up for any reason or if your server is present, please be respectful and put your mask on. If you do not have a mask, one will be provided for you.
We will be using single-use recyclable plastic cups. When your visit with us comes to a close, we ask that you clear your own table and dispose of your cup(s) in the designated bins.
We are operating at 25% indoor capacity. If all of our tables are full, we ask that you wait patiently while our other guests finish up, or suggest ciders to-go. You will not be able to sit with other groups, even if they are not using all of their table’s seats. Each table and it’s chairs are wiped down with sanitizer/bleach after each use.
Hand sanitizer will be provided for each table. Please use only the amount you need.
We have partnered with Crush Tap & Pizza // Pepper Asian Bistro II (Daily, during open hours) to provide food for our guests. Additionally, we will still have our regular bar snacks for you to purchase (Tim’s Assorted Potato Chips & Adult Lunchables), and you are welcome to bring your own food or order delivery from any of your other favorite local restaurants.
We are doing our best to implement the safest practices we can. Staff will be thoroughly washing hands and bathrooms will be fully sanitized every 30 minutes.
We appreciate your support, understanding, and patience as we all adapt to this new style of patio dining. If we work together, we will all be able to have a good time!